
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Hallowe'en!

Despite having some problems with the fabric I costume turned out fantastic, thanks to my mom and some genius ideas! (Lydia from Beetlejuice...the cartoon!...I LURVE THAT SHOW!!!)

I love Halloween.  This was the first one I have spent in Edmonton in forever, and it was hilarious...probably because I drank too much and couldn't walk due to death shoes.

Last night we went to one of our favorite hang outs...however it just wasn't the same without Sarah's husband we left.  HOWEVER  we did run into a familiar face, which was fantastic!
(Sarah is trying to look like a serious sheriff makes Josh look that much more hilarious!)

Then today baby Alex came for a visit with his mom and dad (they just wanted Halloween candy.....) 
Cutest tiger I EVER saw!!!!!!!

We carved some pumpkins...well I didn't cause I'm doing homework.............ew...but pumpkins were carved!

Oh and my brother rocked a costume my dad wore ages ago...(my mom made pretty sweet things back in the day....)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

So Guess What?!


And a pretty fishy!

and they get along!

...still need to figure out names...Ideas?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tune Tuesday - the XX

This lovely UK duet is pure magic.   Their music is so mellow, and their voices match so well.  I've been listening to their album for days and I fall in love with it a little more every time. 
Sometimes I wish I could stay home all day and just lay in bed and listen to music...........stupid life getting in the way of my dreams!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Vajazzled I heard this word for the first time last night on Cougar Town (for those of you who don't watch this show I highly recommend it...SO FUNNY!). I thought it was one of the quirky things the show had some up with...BUT when I googled the word, to my surprise...actually horror, it was actually a real thing!

Vajazzling is by definition applying jewels to the pubic region...or if you want around your can read more about it here. 

Jennifer Love-Hewitt even endorses it...

....seriously this is beyond weird to me...has anyone done this? Opinions?!.....

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tune Tuesday - Hollerado

Best video I've seen in a long time!  Song's not bad either ;)  THANKS CARLA :)

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Is it too early to start my Christmas list?!

...Santa I would like one of these for Christmas please!

...isn't it the prettiest radio ever?!

I discovered it here...but you can read more about it here.

I also wouldn't mind Orla Kiely's book Pattern....such pretty pictures!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Movie Review - Leaves of Grass

I just finished watching a movie that I was quite surprised by.

I LOVE Edward Norton, but some of his less known films tend to be a bit off the wall.  This movie was simple but thought evoking.  About estranged twins living completely different lives, and the events that unfold when they're brought back together.

Norton plays both twins, and I LOVE the way he portrays Brady (the Hick).  The character Bill (the Academic) took awhile for me to care for, but in the end I was quite fond of him. 

I especially enjoyed Keri Russell's character Janet, which I didn't think would happen because I've hated Keri since her days on Felicity. I also enjoyed Bolger played by Tim Blake Nelson.  

The title of the movie is taken from a Walt Whitman poetry collective with the same name.    And it relates back to Janet's character being a high school English teacher, and a conversation she has with Bill.  I love Walt Whitman...He's a pretty amazing poet.  You can read the Leaves of Grass in it's entirety here (oh how I love the internet!). favorite part of the movie was a song that came up a couple times...and then played over and over and over when the movie ended (looped on the menu) while I was taking a nap. 

You can skip ahead 1 minute if you don't want to catch the end of the movie..however it was really nice dialogue..... I should really get to studying...however watching movies, napping and updating my blog seem like much better ways to spend my time ;)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tune Tuesday - Sunshine and Starlight

So instead of just sharing one song...I stumbled across this playlist.  I found it @ a blog I follow
Sunshine and Starlight. If you like the kinds of music I post here, you'll love the playlists she shares.  This one includes a lot of artists I LOVE, and showed me a couple news ones, which always makes me happy.  Hope you enjoy, and check out Laura's blog.  It's freaking adorable.

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

Monday, October 11, 2010

I am thankful for...

so much really.  I had an amazing talk on Saturday with my dear cousin, and it really made me reflect on how lucky I am to be surrounded by such a great support system.  I have had an amazing week despite being exhausted and a little stressed because of school.  I could have asked for a better weekend to help me see all that I am thankful for: help me strive to be my best everyday, and are by my side now matter what.

(isn't baby Alex ADORABLE?!...I could cuddle with those cheeks for hours!)

Family...I would be no where without their support and love.

Health...mine and everyone I love.  Besides a few bumps and bruises we are all standing strong.

I really have everything I could ever ask for...except maybe a mansion on an island with someone to cook for me...but maybe one day.

what are you thankful for?

Friday, October 8, 2010

Another week of music!

So this was a couple weeks ago now...(I forgot to upload the pictures)...but non the less worth sharing!  Carla and I went to a couple shows, and man was she a trooper!...First was Hot Hot Heat, (I love the lead singers hair!) with Hey Rosetta and this guy who's name I cannot remember, which is sad because it was the most entertaining set ever (Carla do you remember?!)...BECAUSE.....

There was a parachute!  Yea you heart me, a rainbow parachute that bounced balls, and then we all ran under it and had a fantastic dance party.  It was pure magic let me tell you.  There were also glow sticks, and a ridiculous amount of balloons.

And lets not forget the Grinch playing on a giant screen behind him.  His music was a little random...but he was so interactive.  It was a good way to get everyone pumped.  He like danced in the crowed, and climbed on the bar, and got us all singing along! 

My brother was kind enough to chauffeur us around, and after we dropped Carla off he and I decided to head out for some late night Chinese....he made me eat this....I've avoided it the last couple times we've been because well it looks like peaches and some creepy clearish white sauce (yea it looks like EXACTLY what you're thinking...)  but I sucked it up and ate it...and let me tell you, Deep fried Shrimp with Peaches and Salad Sauce is pretty freaking amazing. 

Two days later we decided to go see Caribou.  I can't remember who opened for them because well they just made a lot of electronic noise which gave me a headache......(picture is of Carla texting during a concert...WHO DOES THAT?!!!!....heheh jk...the opening band was really really bad................we needed to be entertained somehow!)

But Caribou was fantastic...the drummer was freaking amazing, I kind of wanted to just sit there and watch him for hours...I seriously love this band! 

P.S  Make sure you click the links...there's lovely videos in it for you :) 

P.P.S For those of my friends not a part of blog land...if you leave a comment it would be super awesome if you could maybe....put your name?  I have so many anonymous comments and no idea who any of them are from!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

100th Post AND I made cupcakes

Well it's technically my 112th, but I didn't count the 12 I made in 2007...and although these were made for Jenn's birthday, but what a better way to celebrate 100...than with CUPCAKES!!!!

Jenn always makes everyone cupcakes, so I thought I would surprise her with some really fabulous ones! 

...It took forever!...and I may have filled them a little full....(they were the HUGEST cupcakes EVER)....BUT

THEY WERE DELICIOUS! I was kind of surprised.....they tasted better than your normal Betty Crocker box mix...even in the eyes of Jenn the cupcake queen!...(she made me a McDonalds cupcake cake for my birthday!)

And they looked SO pretty on the inside :)  I was quite proud!!!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I can't lie...I kind of love school...we went on our second field trip of the year...who knew you got to take field trips in University?! ...we had a blast...sorry for the picture over load.....
 Thigh high rubber boots...very stylish!

...we found a dead muskrat...and made some observations in the name of science....poor guy...we said some words and properly covered him. 

...poor muskrat :(
Don't fall in Joe!

Very pretty scenery....Hawreluk Park is pretty magical this time of year! I LOVE FALL :)
...our lovely TA!
There were TONS of geese....and lots of poop to go along with them.
...It was actually so much fun!  I hope we get to fit in another field trip...but I think all the fun might be over for the semester :( 

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tune Tuesday - Broken Bells

I've always really liked DJ Dangermouse. The Grey Album was one of my favorites for awhile...for those of you not familiar, it was a mash up of Jay-Z's Black Album and the Beatles' White Album. (Example here) However his pair-up with James Mercer of the Shins to form Broken Bells is like the best thing EVER. This song makes me so happy everytime I hear it. It's all kinds of magic :)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

VOTE - October 18th!

so if you don't live in Edmonton, Alberta you can skip this post...



This blog isn't political so I am not trying to push my opinions....but voting is the responsible thing to do. 
If you haven't heard already, there is a municipal election on October 18th.
To make things a little easier for those of you who don't know who the candidates are, or what their platforms are, here are websites you can use for your research. I've only listed the candidates for mayor, or this would take all day.  You can find out who's running for councilor in your ward here.

Stephen Mandel
Andrew Lineker
Dan Dromarsky
Dave Dowling 
David Dorward
Daryl Bonar

For information about other cities municipal elections in Alberta click here.

...public service announcement over...