So I'm bored at work, although I've only been here an hour! If you happen to be as bored as I am, but are lucky enough NOT to be at work, you should come stop by the store!!! Pink Sugar I would love to sell ya something! Better yet you should come get a massage from me this afternoon at Optimum Wellness Centre, because I'm that cool! Wow talk about self promoting...I should stop before this whole message becomes about me and my current jobs...oh wait it already is...
As for the knitting part of my life, I've been neglecting everything. I still need to find a few more things for my package, and I haven't even picked up my needles in 2 weeks. I haven't been this busy in a very long time. I guess I haven't had much of a social life in awhile, I was a little bit of a hermit! Needless to say, hopefully I'll get back on track next week, take my knitting to work! Keep me entertained so I'm not super bored all day!
Cool! We have the handle! Come visit me at my blog: